online dating profile templates

Online Dating Profile Templates You Can Use Right Now

By Joshua Pompey

online dating profile template


Looking for an effective online dating profile template?


Let me to start out by mentioning that there are endless ways you can go about writing an online dating profile.  Take this company, for example.  We’ve managed to write over 20,000 profiles that are all original in their own way.


For some though, using an online dating profile template can be extremely helpful to serve as a useful outline, while also giving your profile the structure it needs in order to be successful.


Let’s start with the structure of your template


A dating profile needs to be visually appealing or women just won’t read it.  This article is the perfect example.  Notice that each paragraph I write is quick, visually appealing, and to the point.


If this article consisted of two long paragraphs, nobody would read it.  The same goes for your profile.  Your template should consist of several mini-paragraphs, no longer than 2 to 3 lines each.


Think of each paragraph of your template as a unique module


The next step is to create an outline of what each paragraph in your profile will be about.  These are your modules.


For example, if you like to skydive and travel, that could be your adventure module.  If you like to run marathons and train for triathlons, that could be the health and fitness module.


Let’s Look At A Sample Online Dating Profile Template


sample online dating profile template


Module/Paragraph 1:  Funny hook


Module/Paragraph 2:  Career


Module/Paragraph 3:  Outdoor interests


Module/Paragraph 4:  Intellectual and culturural interests


Module/Paragraph 5:  Adventure


Module/Paragraph 6:  Bait the reader into a message


Now let’s fill in what that some of this template might look like in action…


profile template dating site


Sample Module / Paragraph 1 of template:  Funny hook


Upon first glance you might be distracted by my flawless physique and near perfect face.  Get to know me though and I think you’ll quickly find that I also have superior intelligence and am INSANELY charming as well.  Too much?  Let’s try that again…


Sample Module / Paragraph 2:  Career


In all seriousness, get to know me and you’ll actually find that I’m an extremely humble and down to earth guy.   Working as a healthcare professional for the past 15 years, I’ve always been a people person at heart who loves helping others and enjoys taking on new challenges.


Key Takeaways


man learning


  • Notice that even though I’m using a template, the paragraphs still flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next, creating the feel of a well-written short story.


  • Using this type of structure, if someone was in a rush and skimming my profile, they’d be able to read it like a short story, or jump from paragraph to paragraph and skim.  It’s a win-win format.


  • A large number of attractive qualities are revealed in just these first two paragraphs alone (ambition, protective qualities, kindness, humor, confidence, humility, etc.)


  • You could play around with this type of template as much as you want.  I gave six module ideas above in a totally random structure.   The modules you choose and the order of these modules are only limited to your imagination.  Ideally, you should focus on choosing modules that will highlight your absolute most attractive qualities.


Prefer professional help?  Our Profile Writers Can Help?


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Even with a great online dating profile template, it can still be a lot of work!  If you’d like to skip the headache and have our professionals take care of the process for you, we’d be happy to.  Click here to learn more about how we’ve helped over 20,000 customers!

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