The Online Dating Wheel Of Roulette: The Key To Becoming An Online Dating Success Story
By Joshua Pompey
In this article you will learn the key to developing the right mentality and becoming an online dating success story of your own.
By Joshua Pompey
In this article you will learn the key to developing the right mentality and becoming an online dating success story of your own.
Are you are absolutely exhausted from online dating? Perhaps you are wondering how anybody ever becomes a success story? I may be a guy, but after working with thousands of women, believe me, I get it! I apologize on behalf of the male gender!
Between the creepy profiles, the offensive emails, and that borderline serial killer you accidentally met up with for drinks last week, you’re probably one date away from throwing in the towel right?
But don’t go jumping off that ledge yet. I assure you, there’s plenty of hope. Just look at how many people all over the world are in relationships from dating sites.
Let’s use the analogy of a roulette wheel. Theoretically the odds of black and red coming up are 50/50. But as we know, that statistical variance is only validated over the course of thousands of spins. In the short term, you might see black come up 25 out of 30 spins.
Now let’s apply that to online dating. Let’s assume that a black spin represents a boring date, a creepy date, a date you aren’t attracted to, or an absolute date from hell. Let’s also assume the a red spin represents a fun date, an interesting date, or a date you find attractive.
There might be times where you spin seven blacks in a row (bad dates) followed by 2 reds (good dates), followed by another 3 blacks. Other times you might have a whole lot of reds in a row, but they aren’t quite “the one” that you are looking for.
But if you keep spinning, eventually you are going to hit your number and settle into an incredible relationship. Just like a real roulette table at a casino, some of you might get incredibly lucky and hit your number on the first or second spin (I was my wife’s 2nd online date!), and for some if you, it may take 20, 30, or even 40 spins!
While that might seem exhausting, it’s not so bad considering that hitting your number means you are set for LIFE (much better than a one night casino win right?).
The thing to remember is that everyone wants online dating to be easy. And I get it. We are all busy and exhausted at times. But very few things in life that are worthwhile come easy and finding something as special as love is no exception.
If you want to win the game of online dating, you have to put yourself in the best position for success, go out with as many guys that seem like matches on paper, and eventually, the odds are in your favor that you will win. The only question is, how soon will you be a winner?
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