Part 2: What Types of Online Dating Profile Pictures Should You Use?

The idea is to reveal as many great qualities as you can about yourself in each picture you post while still maintaining an attractive appearance. The more positive qualities you reveal, the more quality men you will attract.
Below are several types of online dating profile pictures that tend to work best. You probably won’t use all of these, but the more you use, the better off you will be.
The your best self photo
This photo is a must have for any successful profile. Men are very visual beings and place a ton of emphasis on physical attraction. So showing what you look like at your absolute best will go a long way towards peaking their interest.
This could be a picture taken alone (selfie), a night out with your friends, a photo with a professional photographer, or a special event you went to. It doesn’t matter where it was taken, as long as your hair and makeup are done, your outfit is stylish, and you look like you have it going on.
Smiling into the camera
Often times this will be the same picture as the your best self photo, but if it’s not, you will need one picture where you are smiling into the camera.
If you can teach yourself to flirt with the camera a little bit by smiling with your eyes as well, even better. Statistics show that women who smile into the camera receive a much higher percentage of contacts.
You can read a step by step guide on how to smile with your eyes
here, or ask Tyra Banks refers to it, “smizing.”
Pictures with friends
I’ve been asked countless times if friends should be included in a profile. The answer is absolutely!
This shows that you have a fun life and other people enjoy spending time with you. If other people like being around you that means you must have some likable qualities right? Don’t put your friends in every picture, but one or two definitely goes a long way.
Showing that you can hang with the boys once in a while
You know what guys really love? When they see a profile picture of a woman at a sporting event or doing something that they do with their guy friends.
We don’t want you to replace our male friends. Nor do we want you belching and doing gross things guys do.
But it’s so awesome to know that you are willing to do fun things once in a while that our guy friends might not always be around for. Don’t underestimate the value of this photo.
Active pictures
Examples of this include running, skiing, walking in the park, etc. Anything that shows you care about your health and like to get off the couch is attractive to a large percentage of men.
And if you are a few pounds heavier than you’d like to be or exercise isn’t your thing, don’t stress it. These types of pictures are not a requirement, as there are shapes and sizes for all men.
Vacation and travel pictures
The underling message of the travel picture is that you are not content to just sit on the couch and let life pass you by. It shows that you enjoy creating new experiences and that life with you will be filled with fun new adventures down the road. And of course the obvious, most people love to travel!

Anything that shows a sense of adventure
While you may not be on the adventurous side, if you have something that falls into this category, even if it’s only mildly adventurous, such as skiing or traveling, use it.
Similar to what we discussed in the vacation and travel blurb above, this shows that life with you will be filled with fun new experiences.
To further drive home the value of these pictures, men sometimes fear that commitment to one woman will eventually grow boring and repetitive. Adventure pictures communicate that life with you will never get stale.
Animal pictures
Don’t like dogs? Ah well. But if you do? These tend to be great conversation starters and commonality builders.
The passion picture
What are you passionate about? Is it dogs? Is it volunteering? Is it sailing?
If you can post a picture of your biggest passion(s) you are going to reveal a whole lot about what it’s like to date you and may even get someone excited to learn more about your passions.
Trying new things
In the last 6 months I took a pottery class (which I was awful at), went to a painting and wine class (even more awful at), and took a welding class (the winner of most awful at).
But they were all a blast and also show that I’m open-minded and like to try new things. If you have anything new you’ve tried recently that looks interesting, include it in your profile pictures.
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Great pictures that don’t include your face
Suppose you have some really great pictures, would love to use them, but you can’t see your face in them.
Maybe you went sky-diving but your helmet and goggles block out your face. Or maybe you were on a mountain in a beautiful photo but your back is to the camera.
Use these pictures. It’s okay to use pictures that don’t show your face if they reveal great personality traits or aspects of your life, as long as you have a handful of other pictures that clearly show your face.
Don’t include more than 3 of these at most.